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Creating More than just a "Hold" and "Use" button

Hello! I'm trying to build an educational app where you can change the scale of objects whenever you press the D-Pad Up and Down. However, NVR Hand only has "Grip" and "Use", when I need 2 Use buttons instead of one. I tried imitating what was used to create the Hold and Use button in event systems, but I'm not getting it to register any buttons being pressed. Has anyone ever used NewtonVR with multiple use buttons?

Physical hand working but can't pick up items

So i added custom hand models and for the physical hand i used a sphere collider, when i hold grip i can push stuff around but i can't grab items

NewtonVR screen tearing/jittery

NewtonVR with SteamVR is causing the screen to jitter, independent of framerate as the stats show the framerate still well above 90fps. Not caused in scenes without NewtonVR. Maximizing the game view seems to stop the issue but this is not a viable solution always, what is happening?

Non-physical interactions

Hello! I just started using NewtonVR for a project, and it has solved many issues we had - however, the interaction system seems to assume that all interactables have a rigidbody, which is a bit inflexible if you want to be able to create buttons or switches which don't rely on physics. I tried solving this by adding a trigger collider volume and detecting when the hand object enters and exits it, but unfortunately, trigger colliders apparently count towards the grabbable volume of a NVRInteractableItem (which is its parent), and i have not found any way of setting a layer mask for the grabbing. Am i missing something here? Also, the radius of the grabbing is a bit low (and is not clearly configurable), which makes it hard to pick up small items.

Custom Hands Interractions

Hey there ! Quick question, we are using your framework with Occulus Touches for a student project and we want to create interactions depending on the different fingers the player is using (not just is grabbing or not). Is there a way in the framework to change the hands colliders depending on the fingers the player is laying on the controller ? I already have a bit of code of my own to check every finger position and change colliders accordingly on my custom hand. But i was wondering if it would create conflicts with your hand controller.

Unable to see controllers in NewtonVR Player

I am unable to see my controllers in NVRPlayer. I am running SteamVR 1.2.1 on Unity 5.6.1. Any ideas on what's causing it? When I double tap the Vive button, I can see my controller and the blue camera vision. I can also see my controller on the Vive screen, but not in normal playing space.

Head and hands appear on the floor when playing the example scene

I am using NewtonVR with an Oculus CV1 with the hand controllers. Using just the example scene provided with the Unity package, when I run it the VR displays as if my head is at height 0 and my hands slightly below that. The hands track correctly and can interact with objects but I feel that the NVRPlayer is not being positioned correctly on initialization. If I drag the position of the NVRPlayer up so that the mesh robot representation is hovering and then run it, it appears correctly however that doesn't seem like it should be working like that. What step have I missed or is there something misconfigured?

Customize Hands

Please make a tutorial on how to correctly override hands. It's easy enough to put hand models into the Transform (Game Object) slot, but how does one make custom hands grip, point, open, etc... It would be great to see a full, comprehensive tutorial on overriding customized hands. Thanks! Great product btw.

[NewtonVR] Critical Error: Oculus / SteamVR not setup properly or no headset found.

So I changed nothing in the scene, hit play and now it isn't detecting my steamVR setup, after weeks of it working. Its done this twice now out of nowhere, the vive is still working because I am now just stuck in steamVR home. Any fix? I've restarted computer, added it to a new project and restarted unity scene several times. In steamVR it is picking up the HMD and controllers perfectly fine.

Moving forward with joystick following head direction

Hi, I'm pretty newbie with Unity so please don't punch too hard :) I'm trying to get the Oculus' joystick to move forward my NVRPlayer, following the head direction (so not just going forward "absolute direction", but forward "towards what I am looking at"). I tried to parent the NVRPlayer to the OVRController but for some reason the head movements are not 100% correct and it causes nausea. Any idea? thanks in advance, I owe you a beer! ;)