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End Hover?

There is no event for end hovering, this would be nice.

Grabbing pushes mesh away.

Im using vrtk for movement and newtonvr for interaction. However when I move to grab something this happens. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ueN15-sn9ZU

Instantiate and existing object at runtime that had NVRInteractableItem as a component

Hi Guys, NVR is Amazing!! I have a quick question: can I duplicate an object that already has NVRInteractableItem as a component? I tried and the PickupTransform is null. Not sure what it up. Thanks and thanks for NVR! Bill

Unable to find NewtonVR Example Scene

I'm unable to find the NewtonVR example scene, which is supposed to be located at NewtonVR/Example/NVRExampleScene according to the documentation 'Quickstart - A new project with NewtonVR'. The folder contains only "Lightmap Data" and "Reflection Probe". I downloaded the latest NewtonVR plugin from the Unity Asset store.

Model Override for hands confusion

so firstly there is no documentation for this feature nor is the code commented to explain it, but basically I have the left hand override set to an open left hand with a trigger collider attached, and for the physical I have closed fist version of the left hand, however it doubles up on models rendering both the hand and the fist, and on the right hand both the physical hand and the normal hand are rendering on top of each other?

Toggle Grab

Am I missing something? I want to grab an object then not have to constantly hold grab while I carry it. Like grabbing a gun, or sword or hammer. I would think the user would get very tired holding the buttons constantly.I also want to squeeze again to drop...

NewtonVR with other headsets

Hi guys, I'm currently working with a Unity project where one of the goals is to be headset-agnostic. NVR is terrific for the Rift and Vive, but we're also looking at the FOVE, among other things. Basic functionality is easy to hack in. Disable the NVR camera, use the FOVE camera rig, no problem. Getting the Vive controllers working with the FOVE is a little trickier. I have SteamVR set up to track the controllers with no HMD attached - that's easy. I can verify that SteamVR is tracking them through a python script. But every time I start up the scene using the FOVE camera rig, I don't see the controllers. I've traced this back to the NVRPlayer.DetermineCurrentIntegration() method, which uses the UnityEngine.VR.VRDevice API to determine if there's a VR player attached. If there isn't, it just shuts down the VR integration. Since the FOVE isn't a recognized device, Unity reports back that there's no VR headset. I can manually hack apart the NVR integration and hardcode it to SteamVR, but I still don't see the controllers in the scene. What else am I missing? Thanks!


Is there a way to have 2 interaction points on the same object? I don't want to be able to use the object if one hand gets too far away and I want it to lock to the right hand if both hands spread apart. Currently, if I spread both arms, the object floats and rotates in the middle but I want it to stick to the hand its in not fly over to a random hand.

How to make hands always physical?

I have hand models that I want to always be physical colliders without having to hold down a button. My hands are a prefab with a mesh filter, renderer, and a bunch of collisions hulls as children so it can be a non kinematic concave collider. I've tried manually attaching the prefab to the hands but that doesn't work, neither does forcing the phyiscal hands to be enabled at runtime, which seems to always crash Unity.

Distance grabbing

Just wondering if anyone has implemented distance grabbing. I'm trying to submit a project to the Oculus store and it was one of their suggestions. I am using NVR for my grabbing, but I'm not sure where exactly to edit to make it work. I'd like to tie into the on hover, shoot a ray forward one or two units. If the ray intersects with an interactable, I'd change the material or something. Is there a better way of implementing this functionality? Maybe someone else has already done something similar?