Quickstart - A new project with NewtonVR

Starting a project from the NewtonVR example.

Here we'll go over how to start a new project using NewtonVR's example project. It's the fastest way to get started or to see what NewtonVR can do for you.

Note: If you're not familiar with 3D engines or you're brand new to programming, we will have an extended tutorial with detailed instructions in the near future. This tutorial will go beyond the scope of simply getting started with NewtonVR, and will be ideal for designers, artists, or anyone else who needs some extra help getting things working.

1. Download and install Unity3D

Download the latest version of Unity3D here: https://store.unity.com/download

NewtonVR currently only supports Unity3D version 5.3 and up. We use the UnityEngine.VR namespace, which is why you need at least version 5.4, so if you don't already have that go ahead and download/install from the link above.

2. Download project from Github

Download the latest version of NewtonVR here: https://github.com/TomorrowTodayLabs/NewtonVR/archive/master.zip

Soon we'll be on the Unity asset store, but for now we recommend you download the project off Github. If you would like to get regular updates, you can see our quickstart guide on cloning the repo here: . But if you want to get the project quickly to test it out, just download it off Github at the link above.

3. Open the example scene

Open Unity, navigate to the folder you extracted the project to, and click Open. Then navigate to the example scene and open it: NewtonVR/Example/NVRExampleScene.

4. Install SteamVR and/or Oculus SDK

Click on the NVRPlayer at the top of the hierarchy in the example scene and check out the inspector. The first items you should see are options to install SteamVR and the Oculus SDK.

SteamVR: Clicking the Install SteamVR button will open the SteamVR plugin page in the Unity asset store. Go ahead and download/install the plugin from there.

Oculus SDK: Clicking the Install Oculus button will open your web browser to the Oculus SDK download page. Download that zip, then open the .unitypackage to install the SDK.

5. Enable SteamVR and/or Oculus SDK

Click the checkbox next to Enable SteamVR and/or OculusSDK.

It will take a minute as it adds an associated "Scripting Define Symbol" to your player settings and then recompiles the project.

6. Hit Play!

You now have a rad physics-driven interaction system! Pick items up by placing the controller over them and holding the grip button down. Press the trigger to use some of them.