Linking to an existing project

If you want to stay as up to date as possible with NewtonVR, the best plan is to clone the repo from Github and take changes often. We'll show you the easy way to do that here.

1. Download a git client

Download the Github desktop client here:

The Github desktop client has some issues, but it is relatively simple to use. We recommend either this, or if you want a bit more customization, try SourceTree or GitKraken.

2. Clone the repo

Go to the repo website here:

Depending on the git client you install, cloning may be different. We're going to assume you downloaded the Github desktop client. Go to the repo website with the link above and click the green "Clone or download" button. Then click "Open in desktop".

3. Open an administrator command prompt

Open a command line on Windows by hitting the Windows key and typing in "cmd", then right click on "Command Prompt" and click "Run as Administrator".

4. Link NewtonVR to an existing project

mklink /D c:\svn\MyProject\Assets\NewtonVR c:\git\NewtonVR\Assets\NewtonVR

Replace the path to your existing project and the path to the github repo in the command above. The first parameter is the location you want to put NewtonVR and the second parameter is the location the NewtonVR folder in the Assets directory of your local NewtonVR repo.

5. Verify NewtonVR

You should now be able to open your existing project and see the NewtonVR folder in the root of your assets directory. Open the example scene in NewtonVR/Example/NVRExampleScene and you should be good to go!