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How can I resolve this button glitch?

Hi dear support! Thanks a lot for your NVR product!

Decoupled input of all joystick interactions


Strange Gimbal Locking issues with Touch Controllers

I'm getting odd behaviour from the Touch Controllers localRoation values. They seems be flipping from positive to negative polarity depending on the controllers rotating past particular 90 or 180 degree angles on various axis.

Deactivating GameObject on Use does not end Touch's hover state

I have a script attached to a GameObject that when a motion controller is colliding with the object and presses the Use button the object is deactivated.

Attach Intractable at startup

Hey there.. loving this system. It solves a lot of problems for me.


Error on startup

Hi guys,


Error on startup Please help!

It gives me the following error on play : Assets/NewtonVRDrawer.cs(19,30) error CS0115 'NewtonVr.NVRDrawer.OnnewPosesApplied()' ios marked as an override but no suitable method found to override. I have no idea how to fix this any advice. might help.

Touch colliders too big

Using the default Oculus Touch controller models and collider results in each hand object having a Sphere collider with a radius of .15 while I find that a radius of .06 is closer to the models size and even better if it's center is set to -0.015, -0.02, -0.02.

Touch pad or 2D Axis exposure.

I am enjoying the asset so far. Quick question:
In the NVRHand script, why is there no 2DAxis inputs exposed for things like the Vive touchpad? When changing to Touchpad or Axis 0, you only have 1 axis, x, exposed. It is trivial to expose a Vector2, but why was this not added in the first place to make use of touchpads and joysticks on the hand controllers?


Unity 5.5 and Unity VR

Hi Newton support,